During the last 18 months Carrak Consulting has worked with specialist marine contractor, Keynvor Morlift Ltd (KML), on a diverse range of projects. These have included marine licensing and waste management support, as well as mineral consultancy services in support of shoreline defence works by the Falmouth-based company.
KML operations include strategic coastal engineering works in the UK, many of which require the placement of rock armour. The company strives to use granite from local quarries and ship it from their head office at Falmouth Wharves; however, project schedules and demands can outstrip the local supply chain. Carrak Consulting was commissioned to perform a high-level review of former quarries with potential to provide rock armour, within a viable haulage distance from the Wharves. The main objective was to discount unsuitable sites and to rank any contenders. The quarries were assessed in terms of planning status; condition and capability; access and transportation; conflicting land uses; environmental constraints; and stakeholder sensitivities. A shortlist of sites worthy of further assessment was provided.
Given the mineral tonnage shipped from Falmouth Wharves, and foreseen pressures from residential development, Carrak Consulting engaged with Cornwall Council Mineral Planning Authority regarding safeguarding the Wharves as a mineral infrastructure site. This new designation within the Cornwall Mineral Safeguarding Development Plan Document (2018) will provide a mechanism to help address potential future planning conflict between mineral and non-mineral development.
Carrak Consulting obtained a Marine Licence and EIA Screening Opinion from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) to enable works for two separate schemes on behalf of KML. One involved urgent improvements and maintenance to a failing rock armour breakwater. The other, entailing an extended quay and new slipway, required the creation of artificial rocky shore habitat to mitigate net biodiversity loss, in line with the National Planning Policy Framework and the Marine Policy Statement.
KML was requested to carry out essential dredging works to aid vessel navigation around an active quay. Carrak Consulting carried out an options assessment for a sustainable alternative to landfill disposal for the dredged arisings. Scenarios assessed, within the Environmental Permitting Regulations (2016) framework, included recovery in land reclamation and improvement schemes at two former mineral extraction sites.
KML’s Managing Director, Diccon Rogers, said: “Carrak Consulting Ltd continues to deliver excellent multidisciplinary project management and on-demand consultancy services. The insight and navigation of sometimes complex agency processes and overlapping legal frameworks provided by Carrak Consulting is much valued by the KML team.”