As an island community in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the Isles of Scilly face key waste and sustainability challenges. Carrak Consulting worked with St Mary’s based Mulciber Ltd to secure a bespoke environmental permit, for the production of recycled aggregate from local construction and demolition waste. This sustainable material is used by islanders, who otherwise rely on quarried stone to be transported from the mainland.
The site is a former quarry located close to the coast on St Mary’s, in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and bounded by an offshore Marine Special Area of Conservation. Its position called for specific sensitivity to, and understanding of, the protection of such key receptors. Island residents have a vested and proactive interest in the protection of their environment, upon which the economy and wellbeing of the islands rely. There was also awareness of the need for improved waste management and an appetite for locally sourced affordable and sustainable materials.
Carrak Consulting was engaged by Mulciber Ltd to provide a solution to facilitate the clear-up of legacy wastes at the site, as well as contribute to enhancing wider waste management practices. The company carried out early stakeholder engagement and secured a series of interim waste exemptions to allow the movement, storage and recovery of legacy wastes within bunds; for drainage control on site; and to accommodate imported waste, while the full waste permit application was prepared.
The full Permit application required preparation of an environmental risk assessment and a raft of management plans (Accident, Emergency Response and Preparedness; Surface Water; Waste; Closure), as well as an Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan and Site Condition Report.
A Bespoke Environmental Permit has now been secured from the Environment Agency. The site can receive inert construction, demolition, excavation and dredged wastes from island development and improvement projects.
We prepared a time-bound, costed action plan for the implementation of a bespoke Environmental Management System (EMS) and overarching Operational Procedures document to guide practical compliance at site level and measure achievements via Key Performance Indicators. Carrak Consulting is currently assisting with the Planning Statement and evidence for a Certificate of Lawful Existing Use.
The operators successfully produce valuable landscaping, engineering, drainage and track maintenance materials to the local market, reducing local construction costs and greatly increasing recovery and recycling of C&D waste streams. The site is a fully permitted and operational Inert Waste and Excavation Waste Treatment and Transfer Station with clear policies, procedures and goals to enable operations to be carried out responsibly, whilst contributing to sustainable and best practices on the islands.